Articles and Chapters
1976 | “The Development of Irrigation and Drainage on Shōnai Plain,” Transactions of the Tōhō Gakkai (Tokyo) 21:61-78. |
1978 | “Participation in Illegal Activities.” In George N. Appell, ed., Ethical Dilemmas in Anthropological Inquiry: A Case Book, pp. 67-76. Waltham, MA: Crossroads Press. |
1983 | “Concepts in the Anthropological Study of Irrigation,” American Anthropologist 85(4):880-86. |
1986 | “Rationalization and Nostalgia: Cultural Dynamics of New Middle Class Japan,” American Ethnologist 13(4):603-618. |
1987 | “Rethinking Rural Festivals in Contemporary Japan,” Japan Foundation Newsletter 15(2):12-15. |
1988 | “Japanology Bashing” (Review essay of Images of Japanese Society by Mouer & Sugimoto; The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness by P. Dale; Nihongo by R. A. Miller). American Ethnologist 15(2):365-368. |
1990 | “Japanese No-Noh: The Crosstalk of Public Culture in a Rural Festivity,” Public Culture 2(2):65-81. |
1990 | “Regional Japan: The Price of Prosperity and the Benefits of Dependency,” Daedalus 119(3):207-227. [English version; also reprinted in Carol Gluck and Stephen R. Graubard, eds., Showa: The Japan of Hirohito, pp. 209-227. New York: W. W. Norton, 1992]. |
1990 | 「日本の地方:中央依存の繁栄」 Inアエスチオン (ed.), 『日米の昭和』, pp. 241-257. 東京: TBSブリタニカ。[Translation of “Regional Japan” by Aestion staff] |
1990 | “Japanese Farmers,” Wilson Quarterly 14(4, autumn):34-41. |
1991 | “Directions in the Anthropology of Contemporary Japan,” Annual Review of Anthropology 20:395-431. |
1992 | “Rural Society in Japan: Past and Present.” In Myron L. Cohen (ed.), Guide to Asian Case Studies in the Social Sciences, pp. 127-136. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. |
1992 | “Tractors, Television, and Telephones: Reach Out and Touch Someone in Rural Japan.” In Joseph J. Tobin (ed.), Re-made in Japan: Everyday Life and Consumer Taste in a Changing Society, pp. 77-88. New Haven: Yale University Press. |
1993 | “Finding a Place in Metropolitan Japan: Ideologies, Institutions, and Everyday Life.” In Andrew Gordon (ed.), Postwar Japan as History, pp. 189-216. Berkeley: University of California Press. |
1993 | “Japan’s Debates about an Aging Society: The Later Years in the Land of the Rising Sun,” in Lee Cohen (ed.), Justice Across Generations: What Does it Mean?, pp. 153-168. Washington: Public Policy Institute, American Association of Retired Persons. |
1994 | “Incendiary Actions: Fire and Firefighting in the Shogun’s Capital and the People’s City.” In James L. McClain, John M. Merriman, and Ugawa Kaoru (eds.), Edo and Paris: The State, Political Power, and Urban Life in Two Early-Modern Societies, pp. 310-330. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. |
1995 | 「江戸における火消し:幕府の首都――民衆の都市における火災と消防活動」。 In Ugawa Kaoru, John M. Merriman, and James L. McClain (eds.), 『江戸とパリ』, pp. 441-472. 東京: 岩田書院. [A translation of “Incendiary Actions” by Sakata Toshio 酒田俊夫] |
1997 | “How to Cheer a Japanese Baseball Team: An Anthropologist in the Bleachers,” Japan Quarterly, October-December, pages 66-79. |
1997 | “Summer’s Kōshien-A Field of Dreams and Drama,” Asahi Evening News, page 8, August 7. |
1997 | 「黒川能:農民芸能と祭りにおける中央と地方のダイナミックス」。『年報近代日本研究』19:304-321. |
1997 | 「農と庄内:地方社会の発展と危機」 『山形大学紀要』54:34-39. |
1997 | 「農と庄内の人々の暮らし」庄内日報, page 4, June 26. |
1997 | 「論壇:甲子園、複雑にして多様な空間」朝日新聞、page 4, July 30 |
1997 | 「野球:ノモとイラブの活躍がアメリカ人の“サムライ野球異質論”を一変させた」 SAPIO, August, pp. 18-19 |
1998 | “Same Sport, Different Structure,” LOOK Japan 44(510):28-29. |
1998 | “Blood and Guts in Japanese Professional Baseball.” In Sepp Linhart and Sabine Frühstück (eds.), The Culture of Japan as Seen Through Its Leisure, pp. 95-112. Albany: SUNY Press. |
1998 | “Learning to Swing: Oh Sadaharu and the Pedagogy and Practice of Japanese Professional Baseball.” In John Singleton (ed.), Learning in Likely Places, pp. 422-458. New York: Cambridge University Press. |
1998 | “Compromis avec la Modernité: Ethnographie et Vie Quotidienne dans une Plaine Rizicole du Japon,” Anthropologie et Sociétés 22(3):13-22. |
1999 | 「 日本プロ野球と大リーグ:比較文化的アプローチ.” In 宇佐美陽 (editor) 『プロ野球観戦学』, pp. 5-19. Tokyo: 時事通信社. |
1999 | 「愛すべき阪神タイガース応援団:文化人類学的アプローチ.」 In 宇佐美陽 (editor) 『プロ野球観戦学』, pp. 21-28. Tokyo: 時事通信社. |
2000 | “The Spirit and Spectacle of School Baseball: Mass Media, Statemaking, and ‘Edu-tainment’ in Japan, 1905-1935,” in Umesao Tadao, William Kelly, and Kubo Masatoshi (eds.), Japanese Civilization in the Modern World XIV: Information and Communication, pages 105-116. Senri Ethnological Studies #52. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2000 | “Caught in the Spin Cycle: An Anthropological Observer at the Sites of Japanese Professional Baseball,” in Susan O. Long (ed.), Moving Targets: Ethnographies of Self and Community in Japan, pages 137-149. Cornell University East Asia Papers. |
2000 | “On Doing Anthropological Fieldwork in Japan,” in Watabe Masakazu (ed.), Japanese Studies: Over the Past Century and New Directions for the Twenty-First Century, pages 187-200. Brigham Young Press, for Middlebury Japanese Language School. |
2001 | 「都会における場の発見: 制度,イデオロギー,日常生活.」 In Andrew Gordon (editor), 『歴史としての戦後日本』 <下巻>. Pp. 267-305. Tokyo: みすず書房. [Translation of “Finding a Place” by Shirashima Yoshihiko 白島義彦] |
2002 | “At the Limits of New Middle Class Japan: Beyond Mainstream Consciousness,” in Olivier Zunz, Leonard Shoppa, and Nobuhiro Hiwatari (eds.), Social Contracts Under Stress: The Middle Classes of America, Europe and Japan at the Turn of the Century, pages 232-254. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. |
2002 | “Baseball in Japan:The National Game Beyond National Character,” in Baseball as America, pages 47-52. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society <in conjunction with the National Baseball Hall of Fame> |
2002 | “Failure in Sport: Accepting Disappointment in Japanese Professional Baseball,” IIAS Newsletter, number 28, August |
2003 | 「スポッツにおける敗北:日本のプロ野球は失意をどう意味づけるのか」 『スポッツ社会学研究』 11: 1-12 |
2004 | “Introduction: Locating the Fans” in William W. Kelly (ed.), Fanning the Flames: Fandoms and Consumer Culture in Contemporary Japan, pages 1-16. Albany: SUNY Press. |
2004 | “Sense and Sensibility at the Ball Park: What Japanese Fans Make of Professional Baseball,” in William W. Kelly (ed.), Fanning the Flames: Fandoms and Consumer Culture in Contemporary Japan, pages 79-108. Albany: SUNY Press. |
2006 | (with Merry I. White) “Students, Slackers, Singles, Seniors, and Strangers: Transforming a Family-Nation,” in Peter Katzenstein and Tadashi Shiraishi (editors), Japan and Asia: The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism , pages 62-83. Ithaca: Cornell University Press |
2006 | “Rice Revolutions and Farm Families in a Tohoku Region: Why is Farming Cultural Central and Economically Marginal?” in Christopher S. Thompson and John W. Traphagan (editors), Wearing Cultural Styles in Japan: Concepts of Tradition and Modernity in Practice. Albany: SUNY Press. |
2006 | “Japan: The Hanshin Tigers and Professional Baseball in Japan,” in George Gmelch (editor), Baseball Without Borders: The International Pastime, pp. 22-42. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. |
2006 | “Fear and Loathing of Americans Doing Japan Anthropology,” in Joy Hendry (editor) Dismantling the East-West Dichotomy: Views from Japanese Anthropology, pp. 133-140. London: Curzon Press. |
2007 | “Introduction: Sports and Sport Studies in Japan” in William W. Kelly (editor), This Sporting Life: Sports and Body Culture in Modern Japan, pp. 1-24. New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies. |
2007 | “Men at Work or Boys of Summer? The Workplaces of Professional Baseball in Contemporary Japan,” in William W. Kelly (editor), This Sporting Life: Sports and Body Culture in Modern Japan, pp. 242-267. New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies. |
2007 | “Is Baseball a Global Sport? America’s ‘National Pastime’ as Global Field and International Sport,” Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs 7(2): 187-201. |
2007 | “Writing the Dissertation, Writing the Book: Not the Same Thing?” JAWS Newsletter, Number 41, pp. 47-50 |
2009 | “Samurai Baseball: The Vicissitudes of a National Sporting Style,” International Journal of the History of Sport 26(3, March): 429-441 |
2010 | “Asia Pride, China Fear, Tokyo Anxiety: Japan Looks Back at 2008 Beijing and Forward to 2012 London and 2016 Tokyo,” International Journal of the History of Sport 27(14): 2428 – 2439 |
2011 | “Kōshien Stadium: Performing National Virtues and Regional Rivalries in a ‘Theater of Sport,’” Sport in Society 14(4): 481-493 |
2011 | “The Sportscape of Contemporary Japan,” in Theodore C. Bestor and Victoria Lyon Bester (editors), The Routledge Handbook of Japanese Society and Culture, pages 251-262. New York: Routledge |
2011 | “Preface,” in William W Kelly and Susan Brownell (editors), The Olympics in East Asia: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports. Pages 1-4. CEAS Occasional Publications. Volume 3. New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies |
2011 | “Beijing 2008 and the Limits of Exceptionalism,” in William W Kelly and Susan Brownell (editors), The Olympics in East Asia: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports. Pages 5-18. CEAS Occasional Publications. Volume 3. New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies |
2011 | “Olympic Normalcy: Why Beijing 2008 Wasn’t Exceptional,” International Journal of the History of Sport 28(16):2261-2270 |
2011 | “Normalidad Olímpica: Por qué Beijing 2008 no fue excepcional,” Citius, Altius, Fortius: Humanismo, Sociedad y Deporte: Investigaciones y Ensayos 4(1):55-72. [Spanish translation of “Olympic Normalcy”] |
2012 | “Tohoku’s Futures: Predicting Outcomes or Imagining Possibilities?,” The Asia Pacific E-Journal: Japan Focus. Published online, March 5. |
2013 | “Adversity, Acceptance, and Accomplishment: Female Athletes in Japan’s Modern Sportsworld,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science 2(2): 1-13 |
2013 | “Japan’s Embrace of Soccer: Mutable Ethnic Players and Flexible Soccer Citizenship in the New East Asian Sports Order,” International Journal of the History of Sport 30(11):1235-1246 |
2013 | “Introduction: Looking Back at a Book that Looks Forward,” in Ezra Vogel, Japan’s New Middle Class [Third edition], pages xiii-xxi. Lanham, MD and Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield. |
2013 | “Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue: New Directions in Japan Sport Social Science,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science 2(3): 141-145 |
2014 | “Sex Education and the Dynamics of Contemporary Japan: An Appreciation of the Scholarship of Yukari Kawahara,” 早稲田大学文学学術院文化人類学年報 8: 1-4. |
2014 | “Globalisation, Soccer, and the Sportsworlds of Japan, Australia and the United States,” in Jeremy Breadon, Stacey Steele, and Carolyn Stevens (editors), Internationalizing Japan as Discourse and Practice. Chapter 9, pages 142-157. London: Routledge. |
2014 | “Beyond the Bibliometrics We Have to the Bibliometrics We Need,” in Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung/Foundation (editors). Beyond Bibliometrics: Identifying the Best. Pages 20-21. Berlin: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung/Foundation. |
2015 | “Sport Fans and Fandoms,” in Richard Giulianotti (editor), Routledge Handbook of Sport Sociology. Chapter 32, pages 313-322. London: Routledge. |
2016 | “Digital Technologies, Virtual Communities, Electronic Fieldwork: The Slow Social Science Adapts to High-Tech Japan,” in Roger Sanjek and Susan Tratner (eds.). eFieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology in the Digital World. Chapter 2, pages 28-41. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. |
2016 | 「ローカルな生活世界から見える現代日本: 日本をフィールドにした人類学者の目から」. Translated by Katō Hisako 加藤久子. In Inoue Junji 井上 順孝 and Kokugakuin University Institute of Japanese Culture 國學院大學日本文化研究所 (editors), pages 141-178. Tokyo: 春秋社. |
2016 | “Harold W. Scheffler (1932-2015),” American Anthropologist 118(3):710-713. |
2016 | [With Laura Dales and Aline Henninger]. “Interview: JAWS From the Deep,” JAWS Newsletter 51:64-73. |
2017 | “Japan: Professional Baseball in 21st-Century Japan,” in George Gmelch and Daniel Nathan (editors), Baseball without Borders: The International Pastime, pages 183-201. Second edition. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. |
2017 | “Allen Guttmann, Cross-Disciplinary Champion of an Interdisciplinary Field,” Journal of Sport History 44(1):80-85. |
2017 | “Introduction: Asia to the Center of Global Sports,” in Ren Tianwei (editor), The Olympic Games: Asia Rising–London 2012 and Tokyo 2020. Beijing: Communication University of China Press. |
2017 | “What Does Sport Tell Us About the Artifice of Sport and Technology? Bio-technological Entities at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games,” Global Perspectives on Japan 1(1): 157-176 |
2017 | “From Gender Binary to Sport Androgyny? Female Athletes in Japan’s Modern Sportsworld,” in Peter Horton (editor), Manufacturing Masculinity. Chapter 7, pages 111-128. Berlin: Logos Verlag |
2018 | “Bodies in Motion: An Epilogue,” Japanese Studies 38(1):93-101 |
2018 | “The Ubiquitous Baseball Cap: Identity, Style, and Comfort in Late Modern Times,” Journal of Consumer Culture 18(2): 261-278. |
2018 | “Malinowski, Bronislaw (1884-1942),” in Hilary Callan (general editor), International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. London: Wiley-Blackwell. |
2018 | “Introduction: Asia to the Center of Global Sports,” in Ren Tianwei (editor), Media, Sport, Nationalism. London: Routledge. |
2019 | “The Asian Sportscape: Hubs of Play and Flows of Contention,” in Helen Siu, Eric Tagliacozzo, and Peter C. Perdue (editors), Asia Inside Out, volume 3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. |
2019 | “Introduction” to Ruth Benedict, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword. Rutland and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle. |