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William W. Kelly
Research and Teaching
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Collected Works: Japan, Anthropology, and Sport Studies
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Volume 1 | Shōnai: The Regional, the Rural, and the Local
Volume 2 | Mainstream Consciousness and the Shaping of Japanese Modernity
Volume 3 | Sport and Society in Modern Japan
Volume 4 | A Compendium of Book Reviews and Review Essays
Volume 5 | Miscellaneous Essays and Articles
Volume 6 | Articles and essays in Japanese
Volume 7 | Early work
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Proposal writing
Advice to applicants
Favorite commentaries
On the lighter side
Japan anthropology
Japan anthro @ Yale
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Yale Zemi
Yale Japan anthropologists
Hanshin Tiger Baseball
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An expanded bibliography on the Hanshin Tigers and Japanese baseball
Additional bibliography on sports and body culture in Japan
A Japanese-English glossary of baseball terms
The book’s illustrations in color
The layout of a Japanese sports newspaper
Documents and other materials
Outakes and other short essays
A gallery of other illustrations
Links to Hanshin Tigers websites
CV and Bio
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Articles and chapters
Reviews and review essays
Publications in Japanese
Miscellaneous and online publications
Visit Page
Outakes and other short essays
Under construction