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A reference list of doctoral dissertations on Japan in sociocultural anthropology

The archive of doctoral dissertations offers one way by which we can asses the depth, scale, and substance of an academic field like sociocultural anthropology. The following reference bibliography lists over 400 doctoral dissertations that fall within the sociocultural anthropology of Japan, beginning with John Embree’s dissertation filed in 1937 through the present, some eight decades later. As fr as I can determine, this is the largest corpus of single-country ethnographic dissertations in all of anthropology. The numbers for a region like Amazonia or sub-Saharan Africa or a continent like North America might exceed this, but not even Australia or India, longstanding “country” fields of anthropological inquiry, have generated quite this many dissertations.

Dissertations are an apt metric for a field like anthropology because they represent extended, substantive, primary research projects, designed and conducted by a single research anthropologist, who produces an ethnographic monograph (the dissertation). FINISH

There are several caveats and other points to note. The terms of inclusion and exclusion for this list are somewhat arbitrary and permeable. “Japan” itself is a shape-shifting FINISH

And of course, there are no doubt multiple errors of omission and commission, and as this list has grown over the years, I have depended on colleagues and others to bring any errors, corrections, and additions to my attention. It will never be fully comprehensive nor correct. Perhaps a Wiki format of distributed collaboration will prove a better eventual platform for such a database. But for the time being, I offer it as a rough foundation for appreciating and analyzing the contours of our field.

A final note about author naming convention: Western names are given in First/Middle/Last Name order, while East Asian names are given in Last/First Name order.

1937 John Fee Embree Suye Mura: A Changing Economic Order Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1947 Robert F. Spencer Japanese Buddhism in the United States, 1940-1945: A Study in Acculturation Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1949 John Campbell Pelzel Social Stratification in Japanese Urban Economic Life Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1950 William A. Caudill Japanese-American Acculturation and Personality Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1951 George A. DeVos Acculturation and Personality Structure: A Rorschach Study of Japanese Americans Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1951 Edward Norbeck Takashima: A Fishing Community of Japan Department of Anthropology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1953 John Bilheimer Cornell Matsunagi: The Life and Social Organization of a Japanese Mountain Community Department of Anthropology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1953 Robert J. Smith Kurusu: A Changing Japanese Agricultural Community Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1954 Ishino Iwao The Oyabun-Kobun Institution: An Introductory Analysis of a Ritual Kinship System in Japan Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1955 I. Roger Yoshino Selected Social Changes in a Japanese Village, 1935-1953 Department of Anthropology University of Southern California
1957 John D. Donoghue An Eta Community in Northern Japan: A Study in Intra-Group Relations Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1957 Thomas W. Maretzki Child Rearing in an Okinawan Community Department of Anthropology Yale University
1958 William Philip Lebra Okinawan Religion Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1961 Erwin Henry Johnson Nagura Mura: An Historical Analysis of Stability and Change in Community Structure Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1961 David W. Plath The Strung and the Unstrung: Holidays in Japanese Life Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1962 Harumi Befu Hamlet in Nation: The Place of 3 Japanese Rural Communities in Their Broader Social Context Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin
1962 James Akira Hirabayashi The Relation between National and Local Normative Systems: A Study of a Japanese Mountain Community Department of Social Relations Harvard University
1963 John F. Plummer Oya, a Village of Northeast Japan Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
1964 L. Keith Brown Dozoku: A Study of Descent Groups in Rural Japan Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1965 John Singleton Education as an Instrument of National Policy: A Case Study of a Modern Japanese Middle School and Its Communities Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1967 Takie Sugiyama Lebra An Interpretation of Religious Conversion: A Millennial Movement among Japanese-Americans in Hawaii Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1967 Hickman Howard Wimberley Seicho-No-Ie: A Study of a Japanese Religio-Political Association Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1968 Kenne Hyun-Kyun Chang The Dynamics of Cultural Ecology of Suruki Hamlet, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, in the Postwar Years Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1968 Christie W. Kiefer Personality and Social Change in a Japanese Danchi Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1968 Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney A Northwest Coast Sakhalin Ainu World View Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin, Madison
1969 Robert Lewis Ramseyer Takachiho, 1868-1968: Evolving Patterns of Community Decision-Making in a Developing Nation-State Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
1969 David K. Reynolds Directed Behavior Change: Japanese Psychotherapy in a Private Mental Hospital Department of Anthropology University of California at Los Angeles
1969 Sreenivasaiah] Seshaiah The Sociological Impact of Postwar Land Reform on the Rural Community in Japan: A Study of a Tohoku Village Sociology Indian School of International Studies
1970 Bernard Bernier The Popular Religion of a Japanese Village and Its Transformation Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1970 Shimpo Mitsuru Economic Development and Social Change in Rural Japan: A Case Study of Shiwa Community, Iwate Prefecture Department of Anthropology and Sociology University of British Columbia
1971 Thomas P. Rohlen The Organization and Ideology of a Japanese Bank: An Ethnographic Study of a Modern Organization Department of Anthropology University of Pennsylvania
1971 Eugene E. Ruyle The Political Economy of the Japanese Ghetto Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1972 Rodney Clark Social Relations in a Japanese Company School of Oriental and African Studies University of London
1973 Ronald O. Haak Nishijin Weavers: A Study of the Functions of Tradition in Modern Japanese Society Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1973 Thomas Wayne Johnson Shonendan: Adolescent Peer Group Socialization in Rural Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1974 Sonya Salamon In the Intimate Arena: Japanese Women and Their Families Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1974 Tanaka Masako Uchida Kinship and Descent in an Okinawan Village Department of Anthropology University of Rochester
1974 Yamamoto Akira Communication in Culture Spaces: A Study of the Buraku Department of Anthropology Indiana University
1975 Atsumi Reiko Personal Relationships of Japanese White-Collar Company Employees Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1975 Sylvia Junko Yanagisako Social and Cultural Change in Japanese-American Kinship Department of Anthropology University of Washington, Seattle
1976 Walter L. Ames Police and Community in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1976 Stewart E. Guthrie A Japanese New Religion: Rissho Kosei-Kai in a Japanese Farming Village Department of Anthropology Yale University
1976 Margaret M. Lock Oriental Medicine in Urban Japan: A Harmony of Tradition and Science Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1976 Linda L. Perry Mothers, Wives, and Daughters in Osaka: Autonomy, Alliance, and Professionalism Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1977 Namihira Emiko Hare, Ke, and Kegare: The Structure of Japanese Folk Belief Department of Anthropology University of Texas
1977 Paul H. Noguchi The “One Railroad Family” of the Japanese National Railroads: A Cultural Analysis of Japanese Industrial Familialism Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1978 Jane M. Bachnik Inside and Outside the Japanese Household (Ie): A Contextual Approach to Japanese Social Organization Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1978 Samuel J. Coleman Induced Abortion and Contraceptive Method Choice among Urban Japanese Marrieds Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1978 Liza Crihfield The Institution of the Geisha in Modern Japanese Society Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1978 Jeffrey Lewis Dann “Kendo” in Japanese Martial Culture: Swordsmanship as Self-Cultivation Department of Anthropology University of Washington
1978 Kenneth A. Skinner The Japanese Salaryman in a Government Bureaucracy: A Participant Observation Study of a Public Corporation Department of Anthropology University of Minnesota
1978 Barbara Bowles Swann Affines, Office and Factionalism in Three Rural Japanese Settlements Department of Anthropology Brandeis University
1979 Joy Hendry Changing Attitudes to Marriage in Japan Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
1979 Jill Kleinberg Kinship and Economic Growth: Pottery Production in a Japanese Village Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
1979 H. James McLendon Sogo Shosha: Social Structure and Sociocultural Process and Change in a Japanese General Trading Company Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1980 James W. Genovese Karate Organization in Japan Department of Anthropology State University of New York, Stony Brook
1980 Hamada Tomoko Comparative Study of Business Culture: A United States-Japanese Joint Venture Company in Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1980 William W. Kelly Water Control in an Agrarian State: Irrigation Organization in a Japanese River Basin, 1600-1870 Department of Anthropology Brandeis University
1980 Susan Orpett Long Fame, Fortune, and Friends: Constraints and Strategies in the Careers of Japanese Physicians Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
1980 John A. Mock Social Change in an Urban Neighborhood: A Case Study in Sapporo, Japan Department of Anthropology Michigan State University
1980 Brian Moeran Social Aspects of Folk Craft Production, Marketing and Aesthetics in a Japanese Pottery Community Department of Anthropology School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
1981 Pamela J. Asquith Some Aspects of Anthropomorphism in the Terminology and Philosophy Underlying Western and Japanese Studies of the Social Behaviour of Non-Human Primates Institute of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
1981 Laurel L. Cornell Peasant Family and Inheritance in a Japanese Community, 1671 to 1980: An Anthropological Analysis of Local Population Registers Department of Anthropology Johns Hopkins University
1981 John B. Grossberg Formulating Attitudes toward Death: A Study of Elderly Japanese Jodo Shinshu Buddhists Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1981 Robert C. Marshall Collective Decision Making in Rural Japan Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1981 David Harold Stark The Yakuza: Japanese Crime Incorporated Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
1982 Dorinne Kay Kondo Work, Family and the Self: A Cultural Analysis of Japanese Family Enterprise Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1982 Sharon J. Traweek Uptime, Downtime, Spacetime, and Power: An Ethnography of the Particle Physics Community in Japan and the United States Program in the History of Consciousness University of California, Santa Cruz
1983 Michael Ashkenazi Festival Change and Continuity in a Japanese Town Department of Anthropology Yale University
1983 Theodore C. Bestor Miyamoto-Cho: The Social Organization of a Tokyo Neighborhood Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1983 Taimie L. Bryant Mediation of Divorce Disputes in the Japanese Family Court System, with Emphasis on the Tokyo Family Court Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
1983 Barbara Darlington Ito Entrepreneurial Women in Urban Japan: The Role of Personal Networks Department of Anthropology University of Iowa
1984 Akiyama Hiroko Resource Exchanges in Dyadic Family Relations in the U. S. And Japan: Towards a Theory of Dependence and Interdependence of the Elderly Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1984 Eyal Ben-Ari Community Action and Community Care in Present-Day Japan: A Study of Two Communities Department of Social Anthropology University of Cambridge
1984 Walter D. Edwards Ritual in the Commercial World: Japanese Society through Its Weddings Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1984 Ok-pyo Moon Kim Economic Development and Social Change in a Japanese Village Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
1984 David C. Lewis Practical Religion in Japan: A Study of Two Urban Neighborhoods Department of Social Anthropology University of Manchester
1984 Mary J. Picone Rites and Symbols of Death in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Oxford
1984 Nancy R. Rosenberger Middle-Age Japanese Women and the Meanings of the Menopausal Transition Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
1984 Takiguchi Naoko Miyako Shamanism: Shamans, Clients, and Their Interactions Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
1984 Jan G. van Bremen The Moral Imperative and Leverage for Rebellion: An Anthropological Study of Wang Yang-Ming Doctrine in Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1985 Jennifer L. Anderson Chanoyu: An Anthropological Approach to Tea Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1985 Richard H. Moore Land Tenure and Social Organization in a Rice Growing Community in Tohoku Japan Department of Anthropology University of Texas, Austin
1985 Stephen Patrick Nussbaum The Residential Community in Modern Japan: An Analysis of a Tokyo Suburban Development Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1985 Jennifer Ellen Robertson The Making of Kodaira; Being an Ethnography of a Japanese City’s Progress Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1986 Anne Allison Sexuality as Ideology in Present-Day Japan Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1986 Thomas S. Hardy People of the Garden: Aesthetics in Everyday Life in a Tokyo Neighborhood Department of Anthropology New School for Social Research
1986 Robert J. Marra The Katsumoto-Ura Fishing Cooperative: A Lesson in the Autonomous Control of a Fishing Economy Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1986 Glenda S. Roberts Non-Trivial Pursuits: Japanese Blue-Collar Women and the Lifetime Employment System Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1986 David Blake Willis In Search of a Transnational Culture: An Ethnography of the Student Culture of an International School in Japan Education (Educational Administration) University of Iowa
1987 John J. Donohue The Forge of the Spirit: Ritual, Motion and Meaning in the Japanese Martial Art Tradition Department of Anthropology State University of New York, Stony Brook
1987 Roger Goodman A Study of the Kikokushijo Phenomenon: Returnee Schoolchildren in Contemporary Japan Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
1987 Imamura Atsuko Address and Reference in Rural Japan: Dynamics of Social Interaction Department of Anthropology University of Pennsylvania
1987 Nomura Naoki Ethnography of Interaction at a Japanese Mental Hospital Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1987 Ota Yoshinobu Ritual as Narrative: Folk Religious Experience in the Southern Ryukyus Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
1987 Christena L. Turner Breaking the Silence: Consciousness, Commitment, and Action in Japanese Unions Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1988 Mildred Rosetta Creighton Sales, Service, and Sanctity: An Anthropological Analysis of Japanese Department Stores Department of Anthropology University of Washington
1988 Marilyn Ivy Discourses of the Vanishing in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1988 Lauren Joan Kotloff Dai-Ichi Preschool: Fostering Individuality and Cooperative Group Life in a Progressive Japanese Preschool Department of Human Development and Family Studies Cornell University
1988 Dolores P. Martinez The Ama: Tradition and Change in a Japanese Diving Community Institute of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
1988 Laura Ann Miller Interethnic Communication in Japan: Interactions between Japanese and American Co-Workers Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
1988 John G. Russell The Descendants of Susano: Marginalization and Psychiatric Institutionalization in Japan Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1988 Stephen R. Smith Drinking and Sobriety in Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1988 Alan N. Timmerman Tradition and Community in Modern Japan: Tradition as a Mediating Agent in Social Change at the Family and Local Level Department of Anthropology University of California, San Diego
1989 Scott F. Clark The Social and Symbolic Context of Bathing in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Oregon
1989 Michael J. Flory More Japanese Than Japan: Adaptation and Social Network Formation among Wives of Japanese Businessmen Temporarily Resident in Bergen County, New Jersey Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1989 Kuwayama Takami The Japanese Conception of the Self: The Dynamics of Autonomy and Heteronomy Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
1989 Nitta Fumiteru The Japanese Father, American Mother, and Their Children: Bicultural Socialization Experiences in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i
1989 Cheryl A. Silverman Jewish Emigres and Popular Images of Jews in Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1990 Arima Midori An Ethnographic and Historical Study of Ogasawara/the Bonin Islands, Japan Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1990 Clare P. Fawcett A Study of the Socio-Political Context of Japanese Archeology Department of Anthropology McGill University
1990 Rebecca Erwin Fukuzawa Stratification, Social Control, and Student Culture: An Ethnography of Three Japanese Junior High Schools Department of Anthropology Northwestern University
1990 Furuno Kazuko The Emperor and the Japanese: Power and Faith in Japanese Culture Department of Anthropology New School for Social Research
1990 Kinoshita Futoshi Population and Household Change of a Japanese Village, 1760-1870 Department of Anthropology University of Arizona
1990 Yagasaki Junko Emotionally Becoming “Japanese”? A Study of Cultural Identity of Americans Living in Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
1991 Han Kyung-Koo Company as Community: A Processual Anthropological Approach to the Study of a Medium-Sized Japanese Business Organization, Tokyo Inshokan 1947-1990 Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1991 David Link McConnell Educational Policy for Global Integration: The Social and Political Construction of Internationalization in Japan Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1991 Mary Carter McConnell Culture and Capital in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Virginia
1991 Brian J. McVeigh Gratitude, Obedience, and Humility of Heart: The Cultural Construction of Belief in a Japanese New Religion Department of Anthropology Princeton University
1991 Andrew Allen Painter The Creation of Japanese Television and Culture Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
1991 Sandra L. Rouse “Meibutsu” in Banff: The Structuration of a Japanese Tourist Destination Department of Anthropology University of Calgary
1991 Katarina V. Sjoberg Mr. Ainu: Cultural Mobilization and the Practice of Ethnicity in a Hierarchical Culture Department of Anthropology University of Lund
1991 Tada Eiko Maintaining a Balance: Between “Hito” (Person) and “Kojin” (Individual) in a Japanese Farming Community Department of Anthropology University of California,San Diego
1992 Kalman D. Applbaum Takatsuki: A Study of the Living Arrangements, Marriage, and Institutional Membership in a Japanese Commuter City Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1992 Chung Byung-Ho Childcare Politics: Life and Power in Japanese Day Care Centers Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1992 Christopher Romig Keener Grass-Roots Industry in the Town of Sakaki: An Alternative Perspective of the Japanese Postwar “Miracle” Department of Anthropology University of California-Berkeley
1992 John Knight Depopulation, Tourism, and “Village Revival” in Wakayama, Japan Department of Anthropology London School of Economics, University of London
1993 Sharman Lark Babior Women of a Tokyo Shelter: Domestic Violence and Sexual Exploitation in Japan Department of Anthropology University of California-Los Angeles
1993 Jennifer E. Beer Packaged Experiences: Japanese Tours to Southeast Asia Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1993 Diana Lynn Bethel From Abandonment to Community: Life in a Japanese Institution for the Elderly Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i, Manoa
1993 Carol Jean Corkern Formal and Informal Aspects of Japanese Education as Represented in a Rural Town in Northern Honshu, Japan Department of Anthropology Ohio State University
1993 Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni Packaged Weddings, Packaged Brides: The Japanese Ceremonial Occasions Industry Department of Anthropology University of London
1993 L. Benjamin Hill Japanese Students at an American University in Japan: An Ethnography Department of Anthropology University of Oregon
1993 Gordon Clark Mathews Ikigai: The Pursuit of a Life Worth Living in Japan and the United States Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1993 Molly Ann McGinn Spring in the Stone Garden: One Japanese Monastic Community’s Attempt to Return to the “Original Spirit” of Zen Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
1993 John Kenneth Nelson Enduring Identities: The Guise of Shinto in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1993 James Earl Roberson Work Hard, Play Hard: Japanese Working Class Lives Department of Anthropology University of Hawaii
1993 Scott Randall Schnell The Rousing Drum: Ritual, Change, and Adaptation in a Rural Mountain Community of Central Japan Department of Anthropology Ohio State University
1993 Karen Ann Smyers The Fox and the Jewel: A Study of Shared and Private Meanings in Japanese Inari Worship Department of Anthropology Princeton University
1993 Tai Eiko Taiwanese in Japan: A Legacy of Japanese Rule in Taiwan Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1993 Lisa Yoneyama Hiroshima Narratives and the Politics of Memory Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1994 Amy Borovoy Good Wives and Mothers: The Production of Japanese Domesticity in a Global Economy Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1994 Richard Takashi Hara Dividing Harvests: Household and Property in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology City University of New York
1994 Masami Iwasaki-Goodman An Analysis of Social and Cultural Change in Ayukawa-Hama Department of Anthropology University of Alberta
1994 Kweon Sug-In Politics of Furusato in Aizu, Japan: Local Identities and Metropolitan Discourses Department of Anthropology Stanford University
1994 Elizabeth Miller A Borderless Age: Aids, Gender and Power in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1994 Mori Shunta The Social Problems of Students Returning to Japan from Sojourns Overseas: A Social Constructionist Study Department of Anthropology University of California, Santa Cruz
1994 Melvin C. Powell, Jr. Ever a New Beginning: Processes of Symbolization and Social Action in Soka Gakkai, a Contemporary Japanese New Religion Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin, Madison
1995 Han Seung-mi From Regional Craft to National Symbol: Politics and Identity in a Japanese Regional Industry Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1995 Wim Lunsing Beyond Common Sense : Negotiating Constructions of Sexuality and Gender in Japan Department of Anthropology Oxford Brookes University
1995 Matsuki Keiko Creating Showa Memories in Contemporary Japan: Discourse, Society, History, and Subjectivity Department of Anthropology University of Arizona
1995 Louella L. Matsunaga Working in a Chain Store: A Case Study of a Japanese Company School of Oriental and Asian Studies University of London
1995 Darrell Gene Moen The Emergent Culture of the Japanese Organic Farming Movement and Its Implications for Political Economy Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin, Madison
1995 Sonia Ryang Language and Ideology in Everyday Life: Social Reproduction of North Koreans in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Cambridge
1995 Carolyn S. Stevens A Purehabu with a View: Volunteer Activities and Social Marginality in Urban Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1995 Nobuko Imai Thurn Customary Practice and Legal Codes of Succession and Inheritance in Japan Department of Anthropology Ohio State University
1995 Christine Reiko Yano Shaping Tears of a Nation: An Ethnography of Emotion in Japanese Popular Song Department of Anthropology University of Hawaii
1996 Naomi C. Brown The Nisetai Jutaku Phenomenon: The Prefabricated Housing Industry and Changing Family Patterns in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of Oxford
1996 Louisa May Cameron White-Collar Women in the Japanese Workplace Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1996 Cynthia Dickel Dunn Style and Genre in Japanese Women’s Discourse Department of Anthropology University of Texas, Austin
1996 Janet Kay Fair Japanese Women’s Language and the Ideology of Japanese Uniqueness Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1996 Deborah Cordero Fiedler Mothers Helping Daughters to Become Mothers: The Sociocultural Context of Satogaeri Childbirth in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1996 Tom Gill Men of Uncertainty: The Social Organization of Day Labourers in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London
1996 Inoue Miyako The Political Economy of Gender and Language in Japan Department of Anthropology Washington University
1996 Kawahara Yukari Politics, Pedagogy, and Sexuality: Sex Education in Japanese Secondary Schools Department of Anthropology Yale University
1996 Karen Kelsky Self as Other, Other Selves: Gender, Identity, and Narratives of Women’s Internationalism in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i
1996 Sharon Kinsella Editors, Artists and the Changing Status of Manga in Japanese Society, 1986-1995 Institute of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
1996 Sandra Soo-Jin Lee Social Memory and Ethnicity: The Aging of Korean Residents in Japan Program in Medical Anthropology University of California, Berkeley and University of California, San Francisco
1996 Deborah Lynn Moore The Household Division of Labor in Hokkaido, Japan Department of Anthropology Ohio State University
1996 Ellen Louise Schattschneider Circuits of Discipline: Production, Reproduction, and the Work of the Gods in Tsugaru (Japan) Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1996 Martin D. Weiss Japanese Immigrants in Brazil: A Quantitative Study of Two Postwar Agricultural Colonies Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1996 Heung Wah Wong An Anthropological Study of a Japanese Supermarket in Hong Kong Department of Anthropology University of Oxford
1996 Jan Morgan Zeserson Language of Menopause: The Change in Japan Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1997 Els-Marie Anbäcken Who Cares? Culture, Structure, and Agency in Caring for the Elderly in Japan Institute of Oriental Languages Stockholms Universitet
1997 Bruce Reid Caron “Performing Democracy”: Kyoto’s Higashi-Kujo Madang Festival as a Counter-Public Event Department of Anthropology University of California, Santa Barbara
1997 Teresa Anne Hiener Shinto Wedding, Samurai Bride: Inventing Tradition and Fashioning Identity in the Rituals of Bridal Dress in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1997 James Henry II Holland Allusion, Performance, and Status: The Social and Aesthetic World of Elite Practitioners of the Japanese Tea Ceremony Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1997 Kawano Satsuki Facing Deities and Ancestors: Place, Power, and Gender in Japanese Ritual Life Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1997 William H. Kelly Empty Orchestras: An Anthropological Analysis of Karaoke in Japan Institute of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
1997 Otake Emiko Ayabe Life: Its Dimension of Buraku and Buraku-Min Department of Anthropology Indiana University
1997 Sakai Junko Narrating Our Cultures in the Floating World: Working Lives in Japanese Banks in the City of London since the 1970s Department of Anthropology University of Essex
1997 Suzuki Hikaru Marketing Postmortem Services: The Funeral Industry in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1997 Leng Leng Thang Generations in Touch: Linking the Old and Young in a Tokyo Neighborhood Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1997 John W. Traphagan In the Shadow of Obasuteyama: Old Age and the Disembodiment of Social Values in a Japanese Town Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1997 Tsuda Takeyuki Strangers in the Ethnic Homeland: The Migration, Ethnic Identity, and Psychosocial Adaptation of Japan’s New Immigrant Minority Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1997 Eldred Leslie Williams, Jr. Earth, Boundaries, and the Foundations of Folk Shinto Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
1997 G. Peter Witteveen Local History and the Politics of Renewing a Regional Japanese Town Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin, Madison
1998 Kaye Broadbent Shortchanged? Part-Time Workers in Japan School of Asian and International Studies Griffith University
1998 Peter Cave Schooling, Selfhood, and Educational Reform in Japan: An Ethnographic Study of Upper Primary and Lower Secondary Education Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
1998 Rupert A. Cox The Zen Arts: An Anthropological Study of the Culture of Aesthetic Form in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Edinburgh
1998 Katarzyna J. Cwiertka The Making of Modern Culinary Tradition in Japan Department of Anthropology Leiden University
1998 Laura Tracy Ginsberg Fitness and Femininity: Discipline and Display of the Female Body in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Yale University
1998 Kutsuzawa Kiyomi Gender, Work, and the Politics of Identity: Work Collectives and Social Activism among Middle-Class Housewives in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of Connecticut
1998 Lynne Yukie Nakano Civic Volunteers in a Japanese Neighborhood: Negotiating Status in a Marginal Place Department of Anthropology Yale University
1998 Katherine Heather Rupp Gifts in Japan: Ritual Constitution of Personal Identities, Social Relationships, and Cosmic Values through the Presentation of Objects Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1998 Christopher Scott Thompson Anytime, Anyplace, Anybody: Lifelong Learning in a Tohoku Town Department of Anthropology University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
1999 Aoyagi Hiroshi Islands of Eight Million Smiles: Pop-Idol Performances and the Field of Symbolic Production Department of Anthropology University of British Columbia
1999 Sawa Kurotani Becker Transnational Home-Making and the Construction of Gender and Cultural Identities among Expatriate Japanese Wives in the United States Department of Anthropology University of Colorado-Boulder
1999 Joshua Abraham Breslau Learning to Locate the Heart: An Apprenticeship in Japanese Psychiatry Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1999 Eric Walton Clemons Transcending National Identity: Foreign Employees and Organizational Management in Corporate Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
1999 Ian Condry Japanese Rap Music: An Ethnography of Globalization in Popular Culture Department of Anthropology Yale University
1999 Joseph Raymond Hawkins Invisible People: An Ethnography of Same-Sexuality in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of Southern California
1999 Jeffry Thomas Hester Place-Making and the Cultural Politics of Belonging in a Mixed Korean/Japanese Locale of Osaka, Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
1999 Masamichi Sebastian Inoue U.S. Military Base Problems in Okinawa, Japan: Identity, Place, and Social Movement in the Age of Globalization Department of Anthropology Duke University
1999 Thomas David Looser The Celebration of Eternity: Space-Times of the State and Gestures of History in the Early Modern Noh Theater of Japan Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
1999 Ogasawara Haruno Living with Natural Disasters: Narratives of the Great Kanto and Great Hanshin Earthquakes Department of Anthropology Northwestern University
1999 Joshua Hotaka Roth Defining Communities: The Nation, the Firm, the Neighborhood, and Japanese Brazilian Migrants to Japan Department of Anthropology Cornell University
1999 Maya Morioka Todeschini Bittersweet Crossroads: Women of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Department of Anthropology Harvard University
1999 Watanabe Buichiro “Attaining Enlightenment with This Body”: Primacy of Practice in Shingon Buddhism at Mount Koya, Japan Department of Anthropology State University of New York, Stony Brook
1999 Linda Elisabeth White Feminism within and Beyond Japan: Women’s Movements in Tokyo in 1995 Department of Anthropology University of Colorado, Boulder
2000 Rosemarie Bernard The Image World of Jingu: Media Representation and the Performance of Rites of Renewal at the Grand Shrines of Ise, 1869-1996 Department of Anthropology Harvard University
2000 Elizabeth Naomi MacLachlan National Television News in Japan: A Production Study Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2000 Leila Madge The Making of the “Wise Mother”: Gender, Education and Civic Activism in Modern Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, San Diego
2000 G. A. McCreery Redefined Selves: Individuality and Community in Post-Bubble Japan Department of Anthropology School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2000 Debra Jane Occhi Namida, Sake, and Love: Emotional Expressions and Japanese Enka Music Department of Anthropology University of California-Davis
2000 Tanaka Sakurako The Ainu of Tsugaru: The Indigenous History and Shamanism of Northern Japan Department of Anthropology University of British Columbia
2000 Angels Trias i Valls Wrapped Gifts: Ritual Prestations and Social Obligations in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Queen’s University-Belfast
2000 Watanabe Hideo Japanese Adult Learning: Karaoke Naraigoto Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
2000 Yamamoto Yuji The Self and the Gift in Japan: A Cognitive View of Ritualized Gift Exchange in Contemporary Western Japan Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2001 Linda Irene Angst In a Dark Time: Community, Memory, and the Making of Ethnic Selves in Okinawan Women’s Narratives Department of Anthropology Yale University
2001 Ashikari Mikiko Urban Middle-Class Japanese Women and Their White Faces: Gender, Ideology and Representation Department of Anthropology Cambridge University
2001 Jennifer Marie Callans Seeing ‘Japaneseness:’ The Visual in Everyday Life Department of Anthropology State University of New York, Stony Brook
2001 Chiba Naoki Iranians in the United States and Japan: Self-Imagery and Individual-Collective Dynamics Department of Anthropology University of Illinois
2001 Inge Maria Daniels The Fame of Miyajima: Spirituality, Commodification, and the Tourist Trade of Souvenirs in Japan Department of Anthropology University College, University of London
2001 Fiona Graham Ideology and Practice: An Ethnographic Study of a Japanese Company in the 1990s Institute of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2001 Kato Etsuko Bodies Re-Presenting the Past: Japanese Women and the Tea Ceremony after World War Ii Department of Anthropology University of Toronto
2001 Karen Nakamura Signing Deaf in Japan: Deaf Identities, Sign Languages, and Minority Social Movement Politics in Modern Japan, 1868-2000 Department of Anthropology Yale University
2001 Ozawa Chikako From Religion to Therapy: An Anthropological Investigation of Naikan Practice in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Oxford
2001 Rafael Reyes-Ruiz The Creation of Latino Culture in Japan: An Ethnography of Spanish-Speaking Latin American Immigrants in Tokyo Department of Anthropology New School for Social Research
2001 Sasagawa Ayumi Life Choices: University-Educated Mothers in a Japanese Suburb Department of Anthropology Oxford Brookes University
2001 Sensui Hidekazu Vernacular Okinawa : Identity and Ideology in Contemporary Local Activism Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2001 Cindi Sturtz “Danseigo Da Zo!” Japanese Men’s Language: Stereotypes, Realities, and Ideologies Department of Anthropology University of California-Davis
2002 Ronald Carle The Way of the Roof: Heritage Preservation and Tourism Development in the Heart of Japan Department of Social Anthropology University of Edinburgh
2002 John Henry Davis, Jr. Challenging the State, Embracing the Nation: An Ethnographic Analysis of Human Rights in Japanese Society Department of Anthropology Stanford University
2002 Brenda Robb Jenike From the Family to the Community: Renegotiating Responsibility for the Care of the Elderly in Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
2002 Peter Wynn Kirby Environment Consciousness and the Politics of Waste in Tokyo: “Nature,” Health, Pollution, and the Predicament of Toxic Japan Department of Anthropology University of Cambridge
2002 Kurihara Tomoko Japanese Corporate Transition in Time and Space Department of Anthropology London School of Economics and Political Science
2002 Abby Rachael Margolis Samurai beneath Blue Tarps: Doing Homelessness, Rejecting Marginality and Preserving Nation in Ueno Park Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
2002 Christopher Nelson Fanning the Spark of Hope: Culture, Practice, and Everyday Life in Postwar Okinawa (Japan) Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
2002 Holly Anne Ogren Bending the “Rules”: Strategic Language Use in Role and Status Negotiation among Women in a Rural Northeastern Japanese Community Department of Anthropology University of Texas-Austin
2002 Marvin Dale Sterling In the Shadow of the Universal Other: Performative Identifications with Jamaican Culture in Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
2002 Joel Floyd Stocker The “Local” in Japanese Media Culture: Manzai Comedy, Osaka, and Entertainment Enterprise Yoshimoto Kogyo Department of Anthropology University of Wisconsin, Madison
2002 Mukund Subramanian Travels of Possessed Women on the Brink of Memory: Embodied Faith, Nostalgia and Fear in Modern Japan Department of Anthropology Stanford University
2002 R. Kenji Tierney Wrestling with Tradition: Sumo, Popular Culture and Trans/Nationalism Department of Anthropology University of California-Berkeley
2002 Wu Yongmei The Care of the Elderly in Japan Department of Japanese Studies University of Hong Kong
2003 Shawn Morgan Bender Drumming between Tradition and Modernity: Taiko and Neo-Folk Performance in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, San Diego
2003 Alyne Elizabeth Delaney Setting Nets on Troubled Waters: Environment, Economics, and Autonomy among Nori Cultivating Households in a Japanese Fishing Cooperative Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
2003 Lieba Faier On Being Oyome-San: Filipina Brides and Their Japanese Families in Central Kiso Valley Department of Anthropology University of California, Santa Cruz
2003 Donald Hoon Ko The History of Japanese Anthropology from 1868 to 1970’s Department of Anthropology Washington University
2003 David Hunter Slater Class Culture: Pedagogy and Politics in a Japanese Working-Class High School in Tokyo Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
2003 Suzuki Nobue Battlefields of Affection: Gender, Global Desires and the Politics of Intimacy in Filipina-Japanese Transnational Marriages Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i
2003 Suzuki Taku Transnational Body: Racial Citizenship of Okinawan-Bolivians in Colonia Okinawa, Bolivia and in Yokohama, Japan Department of Anthropology University of Minnesota
2003 Bruce White Modernity’s Children: Generational Change, Identity and Global Citizenship in Japan Department of Anthropology Oxford Brookes University
2004 Andrea G. Arai Recessionary Effects: The Crisis of the Child and the Culture of Reform in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2004 Haeng-Ja Sachiko Chung Performing Sex, Selling Heart: Korean Nightclub Hostesses in Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles
2004 Joanne Cullinane A “Strange New Disease” (Atarashii Kibyo): Hiv/Aids as Media Spectacle, Medical Crisis, and Lived Experience in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
2004 Rebecca Forgash Military Transnational Marriage in Okinawa: Intimacy across Boundaries of Nation, Race, and Class Department of Anthropology University of Arizona
2004 Kato Keiko Dysfunction of Functional Drinking: Voices of Japanese Alcoholics’ Wives Department of Anthropology Washington State University
2004 Ruth Martin Opportunity and Fulfillment: Overseas Transfer and the Japanese Housewife Overseas Dpartment of Anthropology Oxford Brookes University
2004 Tamiko Ortega Noll Pragmatic Singles: Being an Unmarried Woman in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
2004 David R. Odo The Edge of the Field of Vision:  Defining Japaneseness and the Image Archive of the Ogasawara Islands Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2004 Ogawa Akihiro The Failure of Civil Society? An Ethnography of Npos and the State in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Cornell University
2004 Otani Midori Intercultural Work Relationships between Japanese Language Teachers and Foreign Assistant Teachers in Japan: The Jet Program Department of Anthropology American University
2004 Satsuka Shiho Traveling Nature, Imagining the Globe: Japanese Tourism in the Canadian Rockies Department of Anthropology University of California, Santa Cruz
2004 Mitchell W. Sedgwick Organising Globalisation: Managing across Cultures at a Japanese Corporation in France Department of Social Anthropology University of Cambridge
2004 Takato Michiyo Imagining Ethnicity and Polyphony at Margins: Nikkei Migration, School, and Everyday Life in Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2004 Donald C. Wood From Paper to Practice: Social Solidarity, Political Economy, and Change in a Planned Japanese Village Department of Cultural Anthropology University of Tokyo
2004 Yamaguchi Tomomi Feminism Fractured: An Ethnography of the Dissolution and Textual Reinvention of a Japanese Feminist Group Department of Anthropology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2005 Einat  Bar-On Cohen Japanese Martial Arts in Israel: A Case of Traveling Culture Department of Sociology and Anthropology Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2005 Lee Ming-Tsung Absorbing ‘Japan’ :Transnational Media, Cross-Cultural Consumption, and Identity Practice in Contemporary Taiwan Department of Social Anthropology University of Cambridge
2005 Gabriella Lukács Romancing the Nation, Dramatizing Citizenship: Television Dramas, Women and Millennial Japan Department of Cultural Anthropology Duke University
2005 Gregory S. Poole Constructing Daigaku: A Professional Perspective on University Tradition and Reform in Japan Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2005 Jonathan Reed Corporate Colors, Corporate Cultures: Narratives of Selfhood and Otherness among Japanese Businesspeople and Black Professionals in Tokyo Offices Department of Anthropology University of Oregon
2005 George Kendall Vickery A Cold of the Heart: Japan Strives to Normalize Depression Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
2006 Hidaka Tomoko Corporate Warriors or Company Animals? An Investigation of Japanese Salaryman Masculinities across Three Generations School of Social Sciences University of Adelaide
2006 Horiguchi Sachiko 堀口佐知子 Hikikomori and Cultural Debates About Japanese Personhood: An Anthropological Study of Japan’s So-Called ‘Socially Withdrawn Youth’ Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2006 Ishido Masa Sport Culture in Japan and the Challenge of Global Processes: The Specific Case of Japanese Baseball and Labour Migration Department of Anthropology Brunel University
2006 Kitanaka Junko Society in Distress: The Psychiatric Production of Depression in Contemporary Japan Departments of Anthropology and Social Science of Medicine McGill University
2006 Nakamura Fuyubi Creating New Forms of “Visualised” Words: An Anthropological Study of Contemporary Japanese Calligraphy Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2006 David Novak Japan Noise: Global Media Circulation and the Transpacific Circuits of Experimental Music Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2006 Okamoto Ikumi Journey from Life to Death: An Anthropological Study of Cancer Patients in Japan Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2006 Jennifer Sally Prough Straight from the Heart : Gender, Intimacy, and the Cultural Production of Shōjo Manga Department of Cultural Anthropology Duke University
2006 Colin S. Smith After Affluence: Freeters and the Limits of New Middle Class Japan Department of Anthropology Yale University
2007 Christopher A. Ames Mired in History: Victimhood, Memory, and Ambivalence in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
2007 Chan Yeeshan Japanese from China: The Zanryu-Hojin and Their Lives in Two Countries Modern Languages and Cultures University of Hong Kong
2007 John Joseph Ertl Revisiting Village Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
2007 Dawn-Elissa Tiye Ighosotu Fischer “Kobushi Ageroo! (=Pump Ya Fist!)”: Blackness, “Race” and Politics in Japanese Hiphop Department of Anthropology University of Florida
2007 Konagaya Hideyo Performing the Okinawan Woman in Taiko: Gender, Folklore, and Identity Politics in Modern Japan Department of Folklore University of Pennsylvania
2007 Bridget Love A Kingdom of Mountain Bounty: Village Revitalization and Rural Depopulation in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Michigan
2007 Vincent Mirza La Crise Et Le Sens Du Travail Au Japon. Morale, Identite Et Liberte Chez Les Jeunes Adultes De Tokyo Department of Anthropology Université de Montréal
2007 Katrina L. Moore Journeys into Later Life: Gender and Self-Cultivation in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Harvard University
2007 Sumii Kensuke Modern Invention of a Region and Its Traditional Medical Knowledge through Science and Technology Departments of Anthropology and Medical Anthropology University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, San Francisco
2007 Alfredo Ruiz Varela Ritual and Social Change: A Japanese Example of University School Festivals Department of Anthropology State University of New York, Stony Brook
2007 Watanabe Takehiro After Prosperity: An Ethnography of Economic Decline in a Japanese Corporate City Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2007 Christal Whelan Religious Responses to Globalization in Japan: The Case of the God Light Association Department of Anthropology Boston University
2007 Gavin Hamilton Whitelaw Convenience Stores in Contemporary Japan: An Ethnography of Modern Service, Local Familiarity, and Global Transformation Department of Anthropology Yale University
2008 Allison Alexy Intimate Separations: Divorce and Its Reverberations in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Yale University
2008 Choi Jimee Cultural Performance of the Margin: Alternative History and Politics of Identity among Tsushima Islanders in Japan Department of Anthropology Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
2008 Jason Allen Danely Departure and Return: Abandonment, Memorial and Aging in Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, San Diego
2008 Lucy Dugmore The Role of ‘Culture Halls’ (Bunka Kaikan) in Contemporary Japanese Society Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2008 Anne Mette Fisker-Nielsen An Ethnography of Young Soka Gakkai Members’ Support for Komeito: Religious Idealism and Political Reality in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2008 Dawn Marie Grimes-MacLellan Performing Self and Society: Growth and Maturity at a Japanese Junior High School Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2008 Kim Hyojin From Heritage to People’s House: Kyomachiya Revitalization Movements and Regional Identity in Kyoto Department of Anthropology Harvard University
2008 Koga Yukiko The Double Inheritance: The Afterlife of Colonial Modernity in the Cities of Former “Manchuria” Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2008 Andrew MacNaughton Company and Personal Character in the Eikaiwa Industry: An Ethnography of a Private Language School in Japan Modern Languages and Cultures University of Hong Kong
2008 Jeffrey Daniel Maret An Ethnography of Invisibility: Education and Special Needs Children in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i, Manoa
2008 Minami Midori Images of the Ainu Department of Anthropology State University of New York, Buffalo
2008 Muraki Noriko Citizen Professionals: College Women, Care Work, and the Transformation of Middle Class Subjectivity in Post-Bubble Japan Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2008 Jessica Busch Sipos The Way of Choju: Self-Sufficiency, Health, and Longevity in Ashikita Town, an Agrarian Community in Southern Japan Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i, Manoa
2008 Olga Kanzaki Sooudi The Burdens of an Authentic Life: Urban Modernity, Transational Mobility, and Nation-Making among Japanese in New York City Department of Anthropology Yale University
2008 Takeyama Akiko The Art of Seduction and Affect Economy: Neoliberal Class Struggle and Gender Politics in a Tokyo Host Club Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2009 Valerie Holshouser Barske Performing Embodied Histories: Colonialism, Gender, and Okinawa in Modern Japan Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2009 Emma E. Cook Failing Freeters: Young Men, Masculinity and Adulthood in Japan Department of Anthropology School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2009 Claude-Eve Dubuc Japanese Women’s Language: Unfolding Female Managers’ Experiences and Choices Department of Cultural Anthropology University of Tokyo
2009 Michael Fisch On the Train: An Anthropology of the Technosocial in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2009 Fu Huiyan Haken’s Dignity: An Emerging Non-Regular Labour Force in Japan Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2009 Joseph Doyle Hankins Working through Skin: Making Leather, Making a Multicultural Japan Department of Anthropology The University of Chicago
2009 Swee Lin Ho Work, Money and Drinking: The Friendship Networks of Women Managers in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of Oxford
2009 Imoto Yuki The Production and Consumption of International Preschools in Japan: A Study of the Organization of Diversity Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2009 Kaneko Sachiko Hikikomori and Cultural Debates About Japanese Personhood : An Anthropological Study of Japan’s So-Called ‘Socially-Withdrawn Youth’ Department of Anthropology University of Oxford
2009 Konishi Yoshiko Making Working Mothers: The Unhappy Marriage of Neoliberalism and Feminism in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
2009 Garrett Alexandrea McDowell Eating Potato Chips with Chopsticks: Nikkei Latin Americans Making Home, Shaping Family and Defining Selves Department of Anthropology Temple University
2009 Aaron L. Miller Bushidō Vs Science: Beyond Conflicting Pedagogies of Japanese Basketball Coaching Department of Social Anthropology University of Oxford
2009 Rositsa Mutafchieva From Subnational to Micronational: Buraku Communities and Transformations in Identity in Modern and Contemporary Japan Department of East Asian Studies McGill University
2009 Lorraine Plourde Difficult Music: An Ethnography of Listening for the Avant-Garde in Tokyo Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2009 Umeda Yoshimi Filipina Intermarriage in Rural Japan: An Anthropological Approach Department of Anthropology London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London
2010 Akanuma Nanao Stepping Outside the Ring: An Ethnography of Intimate Associations in Japanese Professional Sumo Department of Anthropology University of California at Irvine
2010 Sebastian Boret From Social to Ecological Immortality: Kinship, Identity and Death in Japanese Tree-Burial Department of Anthropology Oxford Brookes University
2010 Paul A. Christensen The Fragility of Sobriety: Alcoholism and Masculinity in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i, Manoa
2010 Blaine Phillip Connor Transfers and the Private Lives of Public Servants in Japan: Teachers in Nagasaki’s Outer Islands Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
2010 Fukutomi Satomi Connoisseurship of B-Grade Culture: Consuming Japanese National Food Ramen Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i at Manoa
2010 Nana Okura Gagné “Salarymen” in Crisis? The Collapse of Dominant Ideologies and Shifting Identities of Salarymen in Metropolitan Japan Department of Anthropology Yale University
2010 Katsuno Hirofumi Materializing Dreams: Humanity, Masculinity, and the Nation in Contemporary Japanese Robot Culture Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i, Manoa
2010 Kimura Tadamasa The Digital Divide as Cultural Practice: A Cognitive Anthropological Exploration of Japan as an ‘Information Society’ Department of Anthropology State University of New York, Buffalo
2010 Christopher David Loy The Ainu of Northern Japan: Indigeneity, Post-National Politics, Territoriality Department of Anthropology State University of New York, Binghamton
2010 Nona Danielle Moskowitz Inculcating National Identity: Voices of School and Youth on Chichijima Island, Japan Department of Anthropology University of Virginia
2010 Shana Fruehan Sandberg Embodying Intimacy: Premarital Romantic Relationships, Sexuality, and Contraceptive Use among Young Women in Contemporary Tokyo Department of Comparative Human Development University of Chicago
2010 Takahashi Satsuki Surviving Modernization: State, Community, and the Environment in Two Japanese Fishing Towns Department of Anthropology Rutgers University
2011 Heather Spector Hallman Lure of the Intimate: Power Practices in Japanese Adolescent Friendship Department of Anthropology University of California, San Diego
2011 Jennifer E. McDowell Kokeshi: Continued and Created Traditions (Motivations for a Japanese Folk Art Doll) Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
2011 Murata Akiko Brokering Culture and Labor: An Anthropological Analysis of It Offshore Labor between Japan and India Program in Anthropology and Education Columbia University
2011 Park Jeehwan School as Classificatory Machine: Sorting, Socialization and Class in a Japanese Middle School. Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
2011 Bryan R. Rill Shugendo: Cultivating Spiritual Power and Health in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Florida State University
2011 James Edward Russell Cultural Property and Heritage in Japan Department of Anthropology School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2011 Nathaniel Michael Smith Right-Wing Activism in Japan and the Politics of Futility Department of Anthropology Yale University
2011 Takamori Ayako Native Foreigners: Japanese Americans in Japan Department of Anthroplogy New York University
2011 Richard Penoyar Weld Stress in the Workplace: The Idea of the Life Path in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Purdue University
2011 Daniel White The Affect-Emotion Gap: Soft Power, Nation Branding, and Cultural Administration in Japan Department of Anthropology Rice University
2012 Anne Stefanie Aronsson Career Women in Contemporary Japan: Pursuing Identities, Fashioning Lives Department of Anthropology Yale University
2012 James H. Coates Being-with Others: An Existential Anthropology of Recent Chinese Migration in Tokyo, Japan Department of Anthropology Australian National University
2012 Kathryn Elissa Goldfarb Fragile Kinships: Family Ideologies and Child Welfare in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
2012 Stanley Bruce Herman Building Japan: Technology as a Problem-Space for Veridiction, Jurisdiction, and Subjectivation Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
2012 Inoue Chiho Sunakawa Virtual “Ie” Household: Transnational Family Interactions in Japan and the United States Department of Anthropology University of Texas, Austin
2012 Andrea Elizabeth Murray Footprints in Paradise: Ethnography of Ecotourism, Local Knowledge, and Nature Therapies in Okinawa Department of Anthropology Harvard University
2012 Robin O’Day Japanese Irregular Workers in Protest : Freeters, Precarity and the Re-Articulation of Class Department of Anthropology University of British Columbia
2012 Robert Gerard Pontsioen Tradition in the Making : The Life and Work of Tokyo Craftsmen Department of Social Anthropology University of Aberdeen
2012 Stephen Dixon Robertson Shobodan: An Ethnographic History of Japan’s Community Fire Brigades Department of Anthropology University of Oxford
2012 Ellen Beth Rubinstein Diagnosing Deviance: Schizophrenia and Social Withdrawal in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Yale University
2012 Matthew Henry Wickens Survival Strategies of Homeless Men: Home, Scavenging, Work, and Welfare in Tokyo, Japan Department of Anthropology American University
2013 Eric J. Cunningham The Unseen Forest: Spectacles of Nature and Governance in a Japanese National Forest Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i at Manoa
2013 Isaac Thomas Gagné Private Religion and Public Morality: Understanding Cultural Secularism in Late Capitalist Japan Department of Anthropology Yale University
2013 Kasai Etsko Everyday Fascism in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2013 Iza Kavedžija Meaning in Life : Tales from Aging Japan Department of Anthropology University of Oxford
2013 Mizukawa Jun The Crisis of Language in Contemporary Japan: Reading, Writing, and New Technology Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2013 Morisawa Tomohiro Producing Animation : Work, Creativity, and Aspirations in the Japanese Animation Industry School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography University of Oxford
2013 Pamela L. Runestad Health and Precarity: Living with Hiv in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Hawai’i at Manoa
2013 Sasaki Koji The Immigrant Intellectuals: A Historical Ethnography of Japanese-Brazilian Politics, Knowledge, and Virtues Department of Cultural Anthropology University of Tokyo
2013 Ryan Sayre Preparing for Preparedness: Security, Disaster, and ‘Recursive Modernity’ in Contemporary Japan Department of Anthropology Yale University
2013 Heather Anne Swanson Caught in Comparisons: Japanese Salmon in an Uneven World Department of Anthropology University of California, Santa Cruz
2013 Beata Switek Reluctant Intimacies: Japanese Eldercare in Lndonesian Hands Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations University College
2013 Wakamatsu Fumitaka Making of Scientific Whaling: Politics of Conservation, Science, and Culture in Japan Department of Anthropology Harvard University
2013 Watanabe Chika Ambivalent Aspirations: Aid and the Cultural Politics of Proximity in a Japanese Ngo in Burma/Myanmar Department of Anthropology Cornell University
2013 Yamaura Chigusa Locating Marriageable Communities: Cross-Border Matchmaking between Japan and Northeast China Department of Anthropology Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
2014 Michael Berthin Touch Future X Robot : Examining Production, Consumption, and Disability at a Social Robot Research Laboratory and a Centre for Independent Living in Japan Department of Anthropology London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
2014 Cho Woo Jeong The Homeland on the Move: Diasporic Practices of Belonging in Sakhalin Korean Repatriation Department of Anthropology Indiana University
2014 Catherine Anne Claus Drawing Near: Conservation by Proximity in Okinawa’s Coral Reefs Department of Anthropology and School of Forestry & Environmental Sciences Yale University
2014 Dwayne Emil Dixon Endless Question: Youth Becomings and the Anti-Crisis of Kids in Global Japan Department of Anthropology Duke University
2014 Meghan Sarah Fidler Paper People and Digital Memory: Recreating the Public and Private in Japan Department of Anthropology Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
2014 Hamada Shingo Fishers, Scientists, and Techno-Herring: An Actor-Network Theory Analysis of Seafood and Marine Stock Enhancement in Hokkaido, Japan Department of Anthropology Indiana University
2014 Kanzaki Sachiyo Changement Identitaire Et Revendications Régionalistes Du Kansaï Au Japon Department of Anthropology Université de Montréal
2014 Gabriele Koch The Libidinal Economy of the Japanese Sex Industry: Sexual Politics and Female Labor Department of Anthropology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2014 Oyama Atsuko Gender, Family, and New Styles of Fatherhood: Modernization and Globalization in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Arizona
2014 Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna Food after Fukushima: Scientific Citizenship and Risk in Japan Department of Anthropology Harvard University
2014 Carla Takaki Richardson The Long After: Disaster and Information Politics in Post-Quake Kobe, Japan Department of Anthropology University of California, Santa Cruz
2015 Chang Cheng-Heng Place-Making under Japan’s Neoliberal Regime: Ethics, Locality, and Community in Rural Hokkaido Department of Anthropology University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2015 Greg de St. Maurice The Kyoto Brand: Protecting Agricultural and Culinary Heritage Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh
2015 Sarah LeBaron von Baeyer National Worlds, Transnational Lives: Nikkei-Brazilian Migrants in and of Japan and Brazil Department of Anthropology Yale University
2015 Chris Andrew Oliver Ideologies of Intercultural Communication in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
2015 Ono Sayako Ballet as Liberation: Dreams, Desire and Resistance among Urban Japanese Women Department of Anthropology School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2015 Grant Jun Otsuki Human and Machine in Formation: An Ethnographic Study of Communication and Humanness in a Wearable Technology Laboratory in Japan Department of Anthropology University of Toronto
2015 Shana Noelle Ricart Japan’s Aging Society: The Crisis of Care and the Hope of Prevention Department of Anthropology University of Chicago
2015 Dede Yawa Tete-Rosenthal African Immigrants in Tokyo: Transnational Performative Identities and Spaces of Belonging Department of Anthropology Cornell University
2016 Klaus K. Yamamoto Hammering Propriety, Shame, and the State in Post-Fukushima Japan Department of Anthropology Columbia University
2016 Morimoto Ryo Under Control: Alterity at the Edge of Nuclear Contamination and Containment in Post-Fallout Coastal Fukushima Department of Anthropology Brandeis University
2016 Hiroko Yuri Nonami The Reception and Transformation of Homeopathy in Japan Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology University of Oxford
2016 Esra-Gokce Sahin Rakugo Humor: The Performance of Memory, Mime & Mockery in Urban Tokyo Department of Anthropology Harvard University
2016 Katharine R. M. Schramm Paantu: Visiting Deities, Ritual, and Heritage in Shimajiri, Miyako Island, Japan Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology Indiana University
2016 Silke Werth Japan’s Generation Z on the Move: Moratorium, Maturity and Home-Making Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures University of California, Santa Barbara
2017 Patrick W. Galbraith The Politics of Imagination: Virtual Regulation and the Ethics of Affect in Japan Department of Cultural Anthropology Duke University
2017 Elizabeth Frances Miles Men of No Value: Contemporary Japanese Manhood and the Economies of Intimacy Department of Anthropology Yale University